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The site « » is published by The Pathé Cinemas Tunisia

Contact information

Contact the Pathé Gaumont customer service via:

  • Email : for all email requests, our contact form is available here : « Aide / Contact »
  • Téléphone : 0 809 103 103 (local call) from Monday to Saturday from 10am to 7pm

The cinémas Pathé Gaumont Services SNC
2, rue Lamennais
75008 Paris

Contact administratif : 01 71 72 30 90 (no customer request please)

RGPD service :

Legal informations

Pathé Gaumont cinemas services, Partnership with capital of € 203,008, registered 392 706 412 RCS Paris and whose head office is located at 2, rue Lamennais, 75008 Paris, France.

Intra-community VAT number: FR 25 392 706 412

Host: Amazon Web Services (data center in France) and Salesforce (data center in European Union)

Publication Director

Olivier Grandjean

Terms of use March 2019